Tuesday 3 November 2015


Hello & welcome to Ashley Nikole the blog!

I will be sharing lifestyle posts ranging from the following subjects...
  • Novel writing tips & tricks
  • Inspirational life advice/experience & encouragement 
  • Movie & music recommends
  • The occasional foodie rant
  • Lots of latte art, knitting or chocolate whatnot
  • Novel writing updates on where I am in the publishing journey 
  • What it looks like to be a leader in your family, spiritual & social life
  • Going against the flow- how to "walk the walk", & not just "talk the talk"
  • How to "keep your joy on" throughout ALL THE THINGS &
I'm so glad to be able to share my heart with you all. Instagram is wonderful for shorter snippets, but sometimes a subject requires more than a line or two...so here we are! 

Let's do this- & thank you for your support & love in following me on this bloggio. <3


He said"Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it."